WoodGreen's Strategic Plan
Year One Progress
In 2015, WoodGreen launched an ambitious strategic plan focused on sector leadership and social innovation.
Our Vision:A Toronto where everyone has the opportunity to thrive
In 2015-16, our progress on the main objectives of the plan includes:
1. Drive Social Innovation
- In partnership with Deloitte, WoodGreen launched the H.O.M.E portal, an online resource to connect incoming Syrian refugees with offers of housing and donated goods.
- Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres and WoodGreen conducted a community-based feasibility study to design a Homeward Bound model to meet the needs of Indigenous communities.
- Collaborated with local lead agencies to replicate the award-winning Homeward Bound program across Ontario, with new programs on track in Brockville and Peterborough.
- In response to significant need, WoodGreen is developing a new wrap-around program to support youth aging out of care. Program components will include stable housing, case management, social and emotional strength building opportunities, physical and mental health supports, educational pathways, employment opportunities and other resources.
2. Influence Public Policy
- Submitted a detailed response to the Phase 2 Regulatory Registry Posting on the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 and the Education Act.
- Co-lead of the Toronto Central LHIN Integration Review Project Steering Committee to create recommendations to improve the care experiences and health outcomes of patients through increased Health Service Provider integration.
- Partnered with the Premier’s Community Hubs Framework Advisory Group to conduct a rapid evidence review analysis on community hubs, case examples and best practices.
- Completed When Hotels are Homes, an important piece of research detailing best practices for city planners as vulnerable tenants are displaced.
- Member of Advisory Committee for the City of Toronto’s newly adopted Poverty Reduction Strategy.
- Successfully advocated for a call to change commercial property tax rebates for empty storefronts, passed by City Council, now under consideration by the province.
3. Increase Capacity
- Launched a new coordinated, low barrier, city-wide Seniors’ Crisis Service initiative.
- WoodGreen was part of a team that was awarded significant funds to create programming for isolated seniors and senior caregivers. We partnered with Mt. Sinai, Canadian Mental Health Association, Alzheimer’s Society of Toronto and North York Community House, with efforts focused on client friendly visiting, e-training and financial wellness support.
- Increased the number of seniors who accessed programming through our Outreach to Diverse and Vulnerable Seniors program to 3,500 seniors, and increased referrals to other health service providers by 300%.
4. Build a High Performance Organization
- WoodGreen was successfully accredited with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada.
- The Human Resources team launched SoapBox, an online tool that enables employees to submit, comment and build on ideas in a transparent and collaborative way.
5. Clients at the Core
- WoodGreen’s Employment Services unit launched a new, 22-week Digital Technology Training Program to help prepare job seekers for the ever-changing labour market. It is recognized as a college-level certificate program.
- The Immigrant Services team launched a new online service offering citizenship test preparation, interview help, French online learning, mentorship for newcomer professionals, job search help, newcomer orientation and social media support to support clients who cannot attend in-person sessions.