Message from the chair & executive director of the WoodGreen foundation

None of us can deny that the face of poverty is changing. Poverty is increasingly pervasive and no longer confined to the fringes of society. As the wealth gap widens, inequality is growing and it is growing twice as fast in Toronto as in the rest of the country — changing the very fabric and well-being of our city.

In our work on the frontlines, WoodGreen has witnessed, first-hand, the plight of some of the thousands of vulnerable citizens who are living in Toronto shelters each day. Countless more — newcomers to Canada, individuals with mental health or addiction issues, youth aging out of the foster care system or mother-led families fleeing domestic violence — are couch surfing, living in cars, or doubling or tripling up in crowded, substandard accommodations.

WoodGreen brings innovative ideas, extensive experience, seasoned leadership, exemplary business-practices, and a proven record of success in developing new approaches to these critical social issues.

However, this time it is different. Ending homelessness and alleviating poverty requires us to think differently and act collectively. We need Difference Makers to step forward to champion investment into innovative and lasting solutions.

As donors to WoodGreen, you make a tremendous difference in the lives of our clients and their families; you inspire us with your dedication and commitment. We thank you!

Now, as The WoodGreen Foundation embarks on The Difference Makers Campaign ― a $20 million poverty reduction campaign to help create a more equitable and inclusive Toronto ― we invite you to be Difference Makers and to join us in making an unprecedented impact. Together we will create a city where everyone has an opportunity to thrive.

Leo Salom Portrait Leo Salom Signature

Leo Salom, Chair,
The WoodGreen Foundation

Teresa Vasilopoulos Portrait.png Teresa Vasilopoulos Signature

Teresa Vasilopoulos, Executive Director,
The WoodGreen Foundation