Women’s Day 2017
Every year on March 8th we celebrate International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is #BeBoldForChange, to advocate for a better working world that is inclusive and gender equal. Since 2004, nearly 200 women have worked tirelessly to transform their lives in WoodGreen’s award winning Homeward Bound program. The women of Homeward Bound truly are Bold for Change.
Homeward Bound is a comprehensive four year program that helps homeless or inadequately housed single mothers achieve lasting economic self-sufficiency. The program provides holistic support through housing, child care, access to a tuition paid college education, career track internships and job search support.
During the last phase of Homeward Bound, there is a guaranteed career-track internship with members of The Homeward Bound Industry Council. This private sector partnership is made up of senior level human resource executives from banks, law firms, and IT corporations.
During their internships, participants gain the hands on experience they need to be competitive in their job search in a wide variety of sectors like IT and computer programming, finance, law and in childcare.
In a recent article published in the Toronto Star, Homeward Bound alumni Pauline Bogle credits Homeward Bound with providing her with the support and educational opportunities she needed to avoid the “poverty sinkhole”. Since graduating from Homeward Bound, Pauline has found employment in the banking industry and has been able to buy a condo.
Homeward Bound truly engenders the concept of being “Bold for Change”. In 2013, WoodGreen partnered with The Boston Consulting Group to complete a Social Return on Investment analysis for the Homeward Bound program. BCG looked at the pre- and post-program socioeconomic status of the initial participant cohort. The results were incredible: BCG found that for every one dollar invested, the Homeward Bound program returned $4 back to society.
Since the program began in 2004, 189 women and 299 children have lived at the Homeward Bound campus. With donor support, we hope to triple the impact and reach of the Homeward Bound program over the next three years. It takes $50,000 to change one life and transform an entire family.
If you would like to be an advocate for change, and help us bring Homeward Bound to more women and their children, please consider donating.