Integration Toolkit

An integration toolkit for community-based health service providers

From Strategy to Implementation: An integration toolkit for community-based health service providers

On January 1, 2012, WoodGreen Community Services and Community Care East York (CCEY) combined operations under a single corporation. This represented the culmination of a nine-month effort involving extensive negotiations, planning and engagement with our clients, communities, funders and other stakeholders. This integration is the most extensive of its kind among Toronto Central LHIN health service providers in the community support sector.

The Toronto Central LHIN invited and provided funding to WoodGreen to develop an “integration toolkit”, so that other organizations may benefit from the experience and lessons learned from the WoodGreen-CCEY integration. We are happy to share the completed toolkit with you today. Aimed at Board members and senior executives that are considering integration as a means of advancing their organization’s mission and enhancing services for clients, the toolkit reviews the key phases of an integration in detail.

Integrations can be complex, and we believe that the opportunity for success is significantly greater if organizations are well prepared. It is anticipated that the toolkit will also help organizations save costs by providing common tools and materials that can be used during the integration process.

You may download the complete toolkit from here.

Individual appendices are available:

We hope this toolkit is a useful general resource for organizations exploring integrations as a way to strengthen services for their communities.


Brian F.C. Smith
President & CEO
WoodGreen Community Services

Camille Orridge
Chief Executive Officer
Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network